Friday, February 25, 2011

Last Call: Spain

Welcome to Alburqurque, Spain.  Our bus needed
a police escort to navigate the narrowest streets in
creation, and locals braved the downpour to gawk.

Jamon Iberico being salted

On the only organic & biodynamic Pimenton farm in Spain;
home of beautiful paprika. 

Goat feeding frenzy at the farm with the most
creamy delicious goat milk I've ever tasted

We were standing around the pens discussing
the fat content of goat milk when we heard a
thud followed by a mewling sound.  Lo and
behold, a kid was born before our very eyes. 

Winery tour

Cows on the Dehesa - a typical Extramadura system of pastures


Donkey family of the Dehesa

The last full-class stage dinner ever. 

On an organic fruit orchard - our last stage farm visit

Lecture on the banks of the river in Sevilla with the owner
of Gaia, an organic vegetarian restaurant in town

Vegetarian goodness at Gaia

Wandering around on February 24th...

The gates to the Gardens of Alcazar, Sevilla

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