Monday, November 15, 2010

Parma on the Palate

Fifteen hours at home, and we were back on a train to get a taste of Parma.

There was the flavour of shared laughter and wine at aperitivo at a wine bar in the bustling, ultra-fashionable downtown with other Masters students in Section A.

The buttery crispness of torta fritta and my new addiction, cappellitti in brodo.

The bittersweet tang of "what-if" while exploring Colorno.  What if I'd chosen Parma instead of Bra?  How would this journey of mine have differed?  What relationships would I have built here?

It was a wonderful mellow weekend, but I was content to head back to Bra.  For better or worse, the Piemonte experience is mine and I have only a few more months to soak it all in.

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