Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Euro-Style

All around us, we saw the preparations.  The cemetery was open later, flowers were placed at each of the hundreds of memorials along Via Rimembranze and even the fog rolled in with spooky regularity.  All Soul's Day is well marked here in Italy, but North American style Halloween . . . not so much.

So the Via Pollenzo girls got their act together to host a pumpkin / squash carving party on Halloween night - costumes required.  Our resources were limited, but everyone rose to the challenge, especially since dancing came later at Caffe Boglione.

And in a well-appreciated effort to educate these same North Americans about their cultural traditions, our "tropicals" (from Ecuador, Thailand and the Philippines) put together a beautiful evening for the Day of the Dead on November 1.  If there's anything at all to celebrate, this Masters group jumps on board.

The memorial altar

Making babies . . . Ecuadorian dough babies that is

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