Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Thoughts - tba

My final blog post hasn't been written yet.

But school has ended, my bags are packed to the brim and currently winging their way across the Atlantic back home with my parents, and all of the photographs on hard-drive, notes and journals are tucked between clothes that thankfully all still fit, bottles of Chablis, wedges of 48 month Parmigiano, and other small mementos of this year. 

As for me, I'm traveling lighter today.  Waiting on 3 of my close friends to join me here in Rome for several weeks of travel, followed by a final challenge before returning home: the Camino in Spain.

While I can't promise even semi-regular updates for this next phase of una buona annata, and photos for some of the previous posts will have to wait until late July, these next months will hopefully show me how best to wrap up this year.

Until then, bon voyage et buon appetito a tutti!

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