Monday, December 6, 2010

We Eat, Therefore We Are

The randomness that passes for our daily lives as students at UNISG is most adequately captured, surprise, surprise, in the meals we create.

Case in point: a group dinner meeting to fine-tune our prezi presentation on sustainability in television.  Vietnamese pho, ingredients foraged by Crystal from ethnic markets from Bra to Torino, beautifully prepared by Wendy.  Laura's contribution of Umbrian wine from Sportoletti, one of the wineries we visited on last month's stage.  My Christmas sugar cookies, recipe from the Mennonite Treasury Cookbook (Canadian) and very Italian shapes compliments of the cookie cutters purchased during last week's permesso di soggiorno adventure in Cuneo.  A bizarre multicultural combination, yes, but oh, did it work.

Except now I'm craving Asian food even more than normal - the countdown to Toshi's has begun.  I can last another 5 months, right?

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