Friday, March 11, 2011

Getting to Know Bristol

Some places (and people, for that matter) just feel like home from your very first introduction: Bristol is one of them for me.  Full of avid cyclists and outdoorsy people, a vibrant food, arts and music scene, intriguing history, great neighbourhoods - from posh Clifton Village to Montpelier's street art (I'm completely enthralled by Banksy) to the riverfront Quays, hole-in-the-wall bookshops, quintessentially British architecture, soaring churches, secret garden attached to my flat block and hill after hill to climb - I couldn't have found a better place to hang out in for two months.

And for the first time in almost a year, I can understand and be understood EVERYWHERE.  Even if I didn't love my "work", flat, neighbourhood, new friends (which I most emphatically do), that might just be enough for me right now.  Only half kidding...

So I spend my days off wandering, camera in hand, chatting to the incredibly friendly locals, indulging in the occasional pint of lager or cider and savouring the absolutely Spring glorious weather that belies all British whinging. 

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