Saturday, March 5, 2011

Deep Fry Your Soul

The email invite was short, direct and to the point, reminiscient of the Epic Meal Time show that inspired the event.  In essence, show up with all cupboard remnants and be prepared - the Cacciatores are going to deep-fry your soul.  Only fitting that the guys who brought us our first full-class aperitivo of unsurpassed rowdiness would finish out the year.

It was loud.  It was messy.  It was hot.  It was sweaty.  It was greasy and obscene.

It was perfect.

Let's start at the very beginning . . .

Yes!  J. Dart's sacred KD contribution
(I did a little joy dance)

Toasting with the mother of all Swiss beer . . .

Deep-fried veal testicles.  Surprisingly tasty

The deep-fry / pork god of MFCC Section B

Liz' Pork Pasta Pork
Imagine pork meatballs stuffed with cheese, nestled in
a pasta shell, wrapped in pancetta THEN deep-fried.

Ale likes it!

Now THIS is what I call aftermath!

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