Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Through New Eyes

The ramparts in Lucca
Revisiting, whether in locations or relationships doesn't tend to be a part of my M.O.  This world is so huge and full of so many possibilities, that I'm constantly seeking the new.  Unless it's Paris.  There isn't any pretext too flimsy to deter me from going back to Paris.  The funny thing is, I've retraced my steps here in Europe more often than I'd planned.  Prague, Hvar, Milan, Brussels - and Florence.

Florence for me was a blur of the Uffizi Gallery, The Rape of the Sabine, bartering in the leather market, treating gelato as a necessary food group and dancing until dawn with my three LA travelling "brothers".  Pisa and Siena were lovely in the Fall.  I thoroughly enjoyed Tuscany, but didn't really feel a strong pull to return.  And then Mom and Dad arrived.

Seeing my parents' enjoyment of the architecture, history and wine was such a highlight.  While I'm continually struck by the beauty of my Italian surroundings, the "pinch me, I'm in Europe" feeling of my first trip here has faded.  And with the sheer amount of traveling I've been doing this year, it's all too easy to become jaded to the cultures that I walk in daily.  Seeing these same locations through my parents' eyes was just what I needed to refresh.
Piazza della Signoria

Ponte Vecchio


"Christmas Criminals" graffiti in Lucca

Leather market in Florence

The Campo in Siena



View from Fiesole

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