Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"My favourite dish is curiousity"

Via Vittorio Emmanuele, Bra

The past few days have been a veritable whirlwind - of new faces, of acknowledging the utter feebleness of my spoken Italian, and of searching for a real place to call home. That last one wasn't on the original agenda, but will apparently be consuming a fair amount of the next while.

Regardless, school started this morning whether I was ready or not. There is still much to process and take in, but I'm trying to approach life right now with this post's heading - a quote from today's opening lecture by Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food. There is so much to be curious about - from the "real" way things work in Italy, to the other engaging people in this program, to even why the rental market in this town is so difficult to crack.

The only thing I'm not curious about, is why I'm here. Even more so after today's orientation, I know.

The entrance to the main square of Pollenzo
The Agenzia

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